Program Learning Outcome 2017

The Program Learning Outcome of the Bachelor of Information Systems Study Program were defined as follows:

  • PLO-1
    Possessing admirable skills in identifying and analyzing problems utilizing computational principles and coming up with creative and innovative solutions.
  • PLO-2
    Possessing the ability to incorporate varying types of knowledge from relevant scientific fields in order to solve a problem.
  • PLO-3
    Possessing the aptitude to design an information system and to implement that design into a full and complete solution for an organization.
  • PLO-4
    Possessing outstanding skills to manage, oversee, and evaluate an information system in an organization.
  • PLO-5
    Possessing the ability to communicate actively and appropriately in a scientific, business, workplace, and other professional contexts.
  • PLO-6
    Possessing a professional attitude, good work ethic, and rule-abiding personality, as well as being able to adapt well to various work environments and dynamic technological developments.
  • PLO-7
    Possessing outstanding skills to work as a leader and having essential qualities to collaborate in a group setting with co-workers from either the same or different fields.
  • PLO-8
    Possessing admirable skills to utilize an information system to become a first-rate asset for an organization and being able to manage it well for the common good
Program Learning Outcome (PLO)Performance Indicator (PI)
PLO-1Possessing admirable skills in identifying and analyzing problems utilizing computational principles and coming up with creative and innovative solutions PI-11Able to identify problems within a business process flow and come up with clear and structured solutions according to programming logics
PI-12Able to create structured solutions by implementing programming methods in a variety of information systems cases
PLO-2Possessing the ability to incorporate varying types of knowledge from relevant scientific fields in order to solve a problem PI-21Able to seek, find, and incorporate various cutting-edge scientific sources, especially in the field of Information Systems, that are relevant to the problems faced
PI-22Able to adapt well to the development of various contemporary technologies, particularly in the field of Information Systems
PLO-3Possessing the aptitude to design an information system and to implement that design into a full and complete solution for an organization PI-31Able to conduct a series of analytical activities and define information system needs in an organization/company
PI-32Able to create an information system design that is integrated with multiple platforms according to the needs of a organization/company
PI-33Able to correctly create a database design and modelling that meets the information needs of the decision makers in an organization/company
PI-34Able to create user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) designs
PI-35Able to create an information system application based on an integrated information system design
PI-36Able to test out an information system application and give appropriate feedback on how to improve it
PLO-4Possessing outstanding skills to manage, oversee, and evaluate an information system in an organization PI-41Able to comprehend an information system in an organization/company and manage it properly according to the accepted standards of information system management
PI-42Able to develop a monitoring and evaluation plan for an information system in an organization/company
PLO-5Possessing the ability to communicate actively and appropriately in a scientific, business, workplace, and other professional contexts PI-51Able to communicate with colleagues and/or clients using appropriate international languages, especially English
PI-52Able to express their ideas clearly and systematically, either in verbal or written forms
PLO-6Possessing a professional attitude, good work ethic, and rule-abiding personality, as well as being able to adapt well to various work environments and dynamic technological developments PI-61Able to complete assigned tasks properly and on time, either individually or in groups
PI-62Able to show an honest attitude and abide by the rules during work
PI-63Able to appreciate other people’s work, and not to conduct any form of plagiarism or infringe on other people’s copyrighted works
PLO-7Possessing outstanding skills to work as a leader and having essential qualities to collaborate in a group setting with co-workers from either the same or different fields PI-71Able to be a proactive group member who cares about and is oriented towards a completely successful performance
PI-72Able to become a leader who can set realistic and measurable targets for the success of an information system project
PI-73Able to become a leader who can collaboratively utilize the resources of every member in their work group
PLO-8Possessing admirable skills to utilize an information system to become a first-rate asset for an organization and being able to manage it well for the common good PI-81Able to design strategic information system development plans to enhance the competitiveness of an organization/company
PI-82Able to lead digital transformation within an organization/company in accordance with the latest technological development demands
PI-83Able to utilize the advantages of technology, particularly in information systems, to support the development of independent business enterprises or entrepreneurships